About USFirst and foremost, we are human. We understand that life has it’s ups and downs. Trying to navigate a new system is a huge learning curve. At times, it can seem like another planet, but with the right coaching, we are confident that you can surmount any challenges that may come your way. Orlando Credit Repair Today is vested in each and every client that crosses our threshold or online portal. It has been a pleasure to offer superior success rates to residents and business owners throughout The City Beautiful for over 28 years. Life is too short to be stressed about paying off creditors and trying to survive without basic human necessities. Credit provides carte blanche access to the world.

One of the factors that makes us such a force to reckon with is that we have former mortgage brokers on our team. When you are ready to purchase a starter home, your dream home or vacation destination, contact us right away. Having worked in the mortgage industry, our credit specialists will help clean up your credit so that you can have the life you always imagined – not just for yourself but for your legacy. Former bankers are on staff too. They know exactly what the bank is looking for when it scans your credit report. If you want to access a business loan or home equity line of credit, we will pair you with a credit counselor versed in the banking industry.